MAST Group believes that human rights and freedoms are inalienable and that all people should be entitled to those rights and to be respected. We fully endorse both the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

From our business and our people at MAST Group to dealing with our partners in our supply chain and elsewhere, we recognise the importance of tackling trafficking, forced labour and child labour in all its forms (“Modern Slavery”). We acknowledge and fully embrace our responsibility to be aware of the risks of Modern Slavery. We encourage our employees and selected business partners to report incidents if they
believe that Modern Slavery is taking place or that there is a risk of Modern Slavery.

Our operations

We value, and we rely upon, a committed, highly skilled workforce. We believe that our workforce has the right to a safe working environment and favourable working conditions where each person respects others and is themselves respected. We provide good working hours and benefits including fair and competitive remuneration in keeping with their levels of qualification and experience. We do not pay below the minimum
wage. We do not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or bullying of any kind.
Our commitment to protecting the health and safety of our people and of those visitors/ contractors in the workplace is outlined in our health, and safety policy. This is supported by a range of training, and health and safety standards which include requirements to evaluate risks, and where appropriate, to implement controls to comply with legal requirements and to safeguard the health and safety of all.

We aim for a workforce that fully reflects the richness and diversity of the communities in which we are operating. We comply with all applicable laws and regulations and we operate without discrimination based on any characteristics including race, age, gender and religion.

We have in place policies and procedures which ensure that with regard to our recruitment and appointments, we carry out background checks prior to appointment, to ensure that the people that we engage are legally entitled to work in the UK and are therefore of working age and are not being coerced into the labour market. Where we use recruitment agencies, we impose the obligations to carry out those same due diligence checks on our behalf.

Our supply chain and business partners
MAST Group expects all members of its supply chain, both upstream and downstream, to operate their businesses in a responsible and ethical manner, respecting human rights, including avoiding the use of Modern Slavery. MAST Group requires, through its contractual terms that all business
partners comply with all applicable laws, regulations and industry codes and standards, as well as all other contractual terms. We also expect our business partners to comply with our core values and principles, including the highest standards of moral integrity and ethical behaviour.
When contracting with a business partner, as part of our pre-engagement due diligence, we endeavour to assess the particular business, sector and potentially higher risk geographical location to identify risk of Modern Slavery. For the most part, due to the levels of expertise required within
our industry, our supply chain and business partners are considered low risk. Where there is a potential for Modern Slavery with a particular business partner, we will carry out a more detailed assessment, including obtaining copies of that party’s policies relating to Modern Slavery.
Where appropriate, we will incorporate terms into our contracts to ensure that no Modern Slavery is in our supply chain or the supply chain of those serving our business partners. We will not contract with a party which does not agree to comply with the law and our contractual terms upholding the
human rights of workers, in treating them with dignity and respect and in preventing Modern Slavery. We will continue to review and to update our policies and procedures, and to raise awareness on the issues of Modern Slavery. This includes maintaining appropriate safeguards against any
mistreatment of persons involved in our own business, our supply chain and their respective suppliers.