To FIT-finity and beyond!

This is the topic Mast Group Product Specialist Emily George will be discussing at the ACB UKMedLab22 scientific meeting on Wednesday 9th November.
Emily will explore the past, present and future of symptomatic Faecal Immunichemical Testing (FIT); from implementation and changing guidelines to expanding use into future diagnostic pathways.
If you are attending the ACB meeting at the Royal College of Pathologists this week, you can hear Emily speak at 12.15 in the Alie Room (Wednesday, 9th November).
Organised by the Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, the UKMedLab22 meeting provides the ideal opportunity to share and present the latest clinical science and research with colleagues and service providers.
For further information about the meeting, pelase visit: UKMedLab22 (